Evaluate Yourself: Prayerful Reflection

Self-evaluation and reflection are some of the most valuable skills you can master when it comes to developing yourself and seeing change occur in your life.

We have to know and evaluate where we have been to know where we need to go.’

·      At times reflecting back and looking at where we come from can be difficult.

Reflection/Self-Evaluation Can be Difficult Due to:

·      Pride (you think nothing is wrong regarding your vision/goal success)

·      Disappointment (you know a lot is wrong, but do not know how to handle it emotionally)

But self-evaluation/reflection necessary. If you don’t know where you have been, you don’t know where you are going.- Maya Angelou

·      Reflection helps us to learn (and apply what was learned)

·      Gives meaning to our experiences; we think about them in a different way

·      Causes momentum when we think through what we have accomplished

·      Gives us courage and confidence to continue on

Things to Evaluate

·      Prayer life

·      Personal Development

·      Bible Reading

·      Church Attendance

·      Accountability

·      Relationships

·      Your connection to healthy communities

Recognize where you are at and make the changes. Use your faith and make the needed changes.


Isaiah 43:19 AMP

19 Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.


God desires to do a new thing in your life. Expect to see it. Expect God to work miracles regarding the changes you will be making (“rivers in the dessert”)


Prayer Points & Declarations

·      God, please show me myself. Show me my blind spots. Help me to reflect. I practice healthy reflection.

·      I will not be in fear to see where I need assistance.

·      I have a plan and strategy to make the changes and advances that need to be made.

·      I have a prayer strategy & plan for my:

o   Prayer life

o   Personal Development

o   Bible Reading

o   Church Attendance

o   Accountability

o   Relationships

o   Your connection to healthy communities

·      I have the necessary skills, tools, and help to move forward in attaining your vision & goals for my life.


Book: Cruicial Conversations by Kerry Patterson